(This post-election message was updated. June 2024)

Dear friends and supporters,

I sincerely thank my many supporters who voted for me on Tuesday, November 7, 2023. I didn’t quite make it, but it was a good run, and as a result, I have made many new friends. By listening to you, I gained an even better understanding of the challenges facing the citizens of Pooler and our region.  

Initially, I chose to seek the office of Pooler City Councilperson because I recognized that Pooler needed a significant major change in leadership. Due to decades of bad decisions, Pooler faced and continues to face unprecedented challenges.

After the first months with a new Mayor and Council, it’s clear that Pooler’s new leadership will benefit significantly from your continued observation and advice. Wisdom and transparency will rule the day if they are willing to listen.

Working together will result in great things. So, my friends, remain diligent. You are needed now more than ever.

Thank you for your trust in me. I trust in you.


Dave Legasse

“Dave exhibited excellent management skills … while navigating through a tremendously complex negotiation process. He was a tireless fighter for each of the different interests of the owners.”

Tom Palmer
Attorney, Owner, All State Insurance Agency, Owner, Top Shelf Ammo • Pooler resident

Hover to see the entire statement.

Dave Legasse understands that the decisions made by Pooler’s leadership will soon determine irreversible outcomes! There are no second chances!

  • All decisions must consider the citizens of Pooler first, our sense of community, our safety, and our quality of life, now and into the future.
  • New services, new schools, and new housing require an expanded, well-planned infrastructure.
  • Yet, parts of our community continue to have inadequate sewer and water lines. These systems must be brought up to date.
  • Existing and future traffic patterns must be better planned to relieve congestion, and
  • The decisions made must result in a Pooler with more green space for our families to enjoy.

Such growth is only good if it results in a higher quality of life for all citizens … without raising new taxesGrowth must bring improvements for all. Otherwise, what’s the point?

See Dave’s Top 10 List! Click HERE.

During a long business career, Dave served on many boards and commissions, including most recently as the statewide Chair of the Georgia Grown Commodity Commission and Chair of Visit Savannah, the tourism board serving the greater Savannah area, as well as serving on the executive committee of the Savannah Chamber of Commerce and over the years, many other local and regional boards. Whether local, statewide, or international, Dave has answered the call to serve!

“Dave and his wife Carol have grown a very successful business together here in Pooler. I urge all Pooler residents to vote for Dave Legasse on November 7th.”

Eileen Nuzzo
Retired business owner, Pooler resident

Hover to see the entire statement.

Dave and Carol Legasse and the Salt Table are members of the following organizations.

  • Greater Pooler Area Chamber of Commerce and Visitor’s Bureau (Carol currently serves on the executive committee and as treasurer.)
  • Georgia Grown Commodity Commission
  • Savannah Area Chamber
  • Downtown Savannah Business Association

We encourage you to explore this website and see examples of his experience, his service to his communities, and his positive energy to deliver on his promises.

Dave Legasse seeks your support and vote. With it, his leadership will be at the table to help guide the decisions that will be most beneficial for our citizens and our community.

As Dave says, “We have only one chance to do this right!”

Online “Meet & Greet” …
Dave Legasse for Pooler City Council

Special Thanks to Trisha Cook and her group at
The Trisha Cook Team Real Estate

Here’s the last chance to hear directly from Dave Legasse and the other candidates for Pooler City Council. This video is Dave’s 12-minute segment taken from an online “Meet & Greet,” produced by Trisha Cook and her group at The Trisha Cook Team, Real Estate. This is an outstanding public service, so our hats are off to her. Great job Trisha!

To see the entire video with all candidates (2 hours 15 minutes) click this link!

This Zoom meeting was held live on Saturday, November 4, 2023.

While you’re here, please explore Dave’s website!

Click HERE for Dave’s Top 10!

Dave and Carol Legasse have been Chatham County business people for decades. Years ago they located their Salt Table headquarters and food production facility in Pooler and soon after, they chose Pooler as their home.

Click HERE to watch a recent PBS TV program about Dave and Carol and their Pooler business, The Salt Table.

“Dave possesses impeccable attention to detail and also great organization skills. Dave is a great listener and problem solver … get to know Dave … he will be a big asset for the city council seat”

Pete Chaison
Owner, Buy Sell Savannah Real Estate
Pooler resident

Hover to see the entire statement.

Dave Legasse

for Pooler City Council
Vote November 7, 2023

This website is paid for by the Committee to Elect David Legasse, LLC

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